Tuesday, 30 September 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative: Ask CutieKiwi

Hi Minecrafters,

Now, as you probably know, I've been building a Mall for the past few weeks, but unfortunately, this week I don't have any new shops to show. Sorry! Although, I do still have something to post about! :) A few weeks ago, Lachlan, a keen Minecrafter, asked me about commands....

Thanks for your question, Lachlan. I hope this has helped not only you, but other Minecrafters as well! :) Remember to keep commenting, asking questions and suggesting shop ideas! 

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,

CutieKiwi XD

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm, if you haven't done any clothes shops, maybe you could do some - you could use armor stands maybe?!

