Friday, 3 July 2015

Say Hello to the Crafters Jnr!

Hey Minecrafters!

You may have noticed some changes to the blog- this is because we have added the Crafters Jnr. They will now be sharing our blog, rather than a separate one- this blog will now be the place for all things Crafters! Make sure you write them some comments and suggestions- they're just beginning bloggers. :)

CutieKiwi and CrusadersKiwi


  1. I'm sorry this is a terrible idea and the font is just as bad

    1. Hi Enya
      Thank you for your feedback and for following our blog. If you have any more suggestions or comments, please email The Crafters at
      We look forward to hearing from you about your new font ideas.
      We enjoyed hearing from you.
      Love Mims

  2. Hey Crafters Junior - you might be the perfect people to help me. I am fairly new to Minecraft - what do you think I should try to make first to help me get better (because at the moment I am not very good!) and what do you think I should concentrate on first to help me get better?


