Monday, 30 June 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative: Quiz!

Hi Minecrafters,
I've been super busy and haven't really had time to build much, but I've put together a quiz for all you hardcore Minecrafters (no, not the gamemode...). This is a harder quiz so don't be worried, newbies, if you don't get many right! ;)

How many did you get right? Comment below what percentage you got plus your email adress and be in to win a Novaskin with your skin and the Crafters! 

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel and comment below!

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,

CutieKiwi! B)

Plus, if you didn't notice before, Minecraft has hardly any gravity...

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

SkyKiwi's Secrets


Welcome to the secret side to minecraft. This is where I tell you my secrets and cheats.

Today I am going to tell you about the lovely jeb_ ...

So basically this will still give you white wool and only works on sheep, But doesn't it look cool.
Email the Crafters if you have a secret to share and you might just see it here!

Keep Crafting,

Monday, 23 June 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative- The School For Good And Evil!

Hi Minecrafters!

For the past few CutieKiwi's Creatives, I've been doing tutorials for a house, but now that we've finished the house, it's back to regular CutieKiwi's Creative!

As you probably know, I like to recreate scenes from movies and books. And so this week, I've been working on this. This is from a book called The School For Good and Evil. This is the school in Minecraft. I've selected special texture packs for each side, but you won't be able to see them in the picture. There's the school for Good, the school for Evil and in the middle, the School Master's tower. The photo is in the texture pack for the school for Good. This is built based on the first book. Here's a photo:

Do you like it? If you'd like to see a tour of them, comment below and remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,
CutieKiwi :)

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Crafter Mania!

Hey Guys,

Pinky here!!

I am so blown away about how many people have been so supportive over this period of time!

Here are some of my fav things that our fans have done for us...

Monday, 16 June 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative- Tutorials: Bathroom and Garden!

Hi Minecrafters,
For the past 5 weeks, I've been doing tutorial posts on how to make a CutieKiwi style house. This week, the conclusion *tear*. Today I did the Bathroom and Garden. This is with the previous kinds of bathroom showers and furniture in the last clip. This video is kinda long, though. Sorry! Anyway, without further ado, the final video!

Thanks for watching! I hope you liked it. Send me pictures of your house based on this at, and remember to comment and subscribe!

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,
CutieKiwi :)

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Sky Needs your Help

Hey Guys,

I need some inspiration for what to build in my world "Houses" So I thought "Hey wouldn't it be cool if I got inspiration from the readers" So heres what I want you to do.

Find the coolest image of a house and send it to me at with the subject 'Sky's House' and you might just get that house built and when it's ready I will put it on the blog and you'll get a shoutout.

Crafting til' the sun goes down,

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Pinky's Quiz #1

Hey Guys!

Pinky here!

I have made a quick quiz on 'Quiz your friends'
So every week I will try to upload a quiz for you guys.
This is so you guys can know a little bit more about Minecraft!

Heres the link to the first quiz!

Next week there will be the top 3 people who got the questions right and a new quiz!

To be in the top 3, please comment down below your normal/minecraft name with your score on my quiz!

Thanks guys!

Keep crafting til the sun goes down,

Pinkg1itter :)

<-------- Pinky!

Monday, 9 June 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative- Tutorial: Master Bedroom and Ensuite!

Hi Minecrafters,
As you know, for the past few weeks I've been doing tutorials on how to make a "CutieKiwi" style house. This week, I'm going to show you how to make a master bedroom and ensuite with a working shower! :)

Did you like it? I love making showers for some reason, and this is a great (and fairly compact) way to make a working one. I hope this helped! Thanks for watching! Remember to comment and subscribe. To get an email each time we post, put your email address in the box saying "Enter Your Email To Follow Us And Be Epic!"

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,
CutieKiwi :D

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Shinekiwi's Super Awesome Things to Build - Houses

Hey guys,

So I'm going to start a new chain on my super awesome things to build called "Shinekiwi's Super Awesome Things to Build - Houses". Each post will have a different style of house on it, and so to kick this off, I'll start with a house I just built, and I've never really built this style before. I got my inspiration from the internet and my own dreams and ideas, so anyway, here is a slideshow of my first house, a modern(ish) house.


~Shine :)

Monday, 2 June 2014

CutieKiwi's Creative- Tutorial: Kids' Bedrooms!

Hi Minecrafters,
As you know, I've been making tutorial videos for the past few weeks to teach you how to build a house "CutieKiwi Style!" :) This week, I've done kids' bedrooms and added some furniture that I know me and the rest of the Crafters love to make! XD Anyway, here's the video!

Did you like it? :) Next week, I'm doing the master bedroom, so remember to watch it! Thanks for watching and reading this! See you next week!

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,
CutieKiwi >.<

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Shinekiwi's Super Awesome Things to Build - House Tips!

Hey my fellow crafters,

I've been building a pretty cool house for a while, and I wanted to give you guys a couple tips on how to start if you're new to minecraft and are building a house, or even if you've been playing minecraft a while.

So, Tip Number 1:
Keep it small. If you really just want a neat little house that you can build quickly, keep it one story, and small. This is great on survival if night is coming, you've got no home, but a couple stacks 64 blocks. Just throw something together, and you can edit later.

Tip number 2:
Never make a fireplace with actual fire if your house is made out of something flammable. As Cutie, Sky and I learned, even if your fireplace is surrounded by non-flammable blocks one high, the flammable one above will burn. And fire spreads. Quickly.

Tip number 3:
If you want a successful crop/garden, have water some where in it, and so don't forget to hoe your dirt
before you plant seeds!

Tip number 4:
Make sure that you have some light in your house. If you don't, bats will spawn, and because they fly around heaps, they are pretty hard to kill on creative and survival! It doesn't take more than a few hits to kill them though...

Tip number 5:
Make sure your house is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, it better be awesome,

Shinekiwi ;)