Monday, 29 December 2014

CutieKiwi, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02, Waterkiwi, queenzrule and SkyKiwi's City: Orbeala Deli!

Hey Minecrafters,

As you may know, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02, SkyKiwi and I have been working on a city. Last week, I showed you my mansion- this week, we're returning to the Town Square, and I'll be showing you my deli, Orbeala Deli. If you look upstairs in Orbeala Deli, you'll find that there's an apartment for the people who own the Deli. Here's a pic:

Do you like it? Remember to comment and subscribe, and also, to do the same on the other blog, Crafters Jnr! 

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,


Saturday, 27 December 2014

Crafters Jnr!

Hello Readers and Fellow Minecrafters!

Over the past while, all of the Crafters have been planning an idea- Crafters Jnr! This will be a segment of our blog where younger minecrafters will write about their builds, tips and experiences- just like us Crafters! We’ve decided to add this segment as we’ve noticed we have a younger audience on our blog- a younger audience of just as talented Minecrafters as us Crafters, so we’ve decided to show their work too! We hope you enjoy this segment- their posts will be posted on another blog. We know that our soon-to-be Jnr. Crafters are really looking forward to this!

Keep Crafting Til’ The Sun Goes Down,

The Crafters

Monday, 22 December 2014

CutieKiwi, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02 and SkyKiwi's City: Mansion!

Hey Minecrafters,

As you may know, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02, SkyKiwi and I have been working on a city together. So far, it's looking really good! This week, I'm showing you my mansion, which is a hangout for all the Crafters! Here's a picture of the front:

Like it? Remember to comment and subscribe! :)

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,

CutieKiwi XD

Monday, 15 December 2014

Kingzrule's Mod Mania

Hey Guys,


I haven't done a post in a while so I thought I'd do one now.

I, today am adding a whole other Side to the Crafters Blog: .MODS. ( Modifications  Of Minecraft )

Today we will be looking at Galactic Craft.

This is used with technic launcher. ( Download from the link here)

So enjoy.

CutieKiwi, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02 and SkyKiwi's City: Shiz University (Wicked: The Musical)

Hey Minecrafters!

As you may know, most of the Crafters have been building a city together. This week, I'm showing you Shiz University, based off of one of the main settings in Wicked: The Musical. Here's a picture:

Shiz University
Like it? Comment if you want some more pics. Remember to comment and subscribe!

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,

CutieKiwi XD

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

CutieKiwi, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02 and SkyKiwi's Creative - City: Statues!

Hey Hey,

So sorry I haven't posted in a while, but life's REALLY busy right now. A few weeks back, as part of our city, we made giant statues of ourselves. These are of our current skins, although for some reason some of them haven't updated on our blog. Mimsy's one still has to be finished, so it's not in the screenshots, but I'm trying to build it currently, although it's kinda hard! And my version probably slightly incorrect...

Here's the screenshots:

When  I took the pics I hadn't started Mimsy's, in case you were wondering... :D

Keep watching the blog for more posts on our city!

Crafting 'til the sun goes down,

~ Shine

Monday, 8 December 2014

CutieKiwi, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02 and SkyKiwi's Creative - City: myepicdesign!

Heyo Minecrafters,

As you may know, Shinekiwi, kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02, SkyKiwi and I have been working on a city. Last week, I showed you my Starbucks off the square, and today I'm showing you the Design Studio above it, myepicdesign. Here's a photo:

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,
CutieKiwi XD

Monday, 1 December 2014

CutieKiwi, ShineKiwi, Kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02 and SkyKiwi's Creative- City: Starbucks!

Hey Minecrafters!

As you may know, ShineKiwi, Kingzrule, CrusaderKiwi, Pinkg1itter, Mims02, SkyKiwi and I are building a city. This building is part of me and Pinkg1itter's city square, like the Christmas tree. This week, a Starbucks in a brick two-storey building. Next week, I'll either show you the top half, or Shiz University (from Wicked: The Musical :D ). Here's a photo.

The Starbucks Entrance.
Like it? Remember to subscribe and comment new ideas. If you give us a new idea, we'll call it your shop, so remember to add your Minecraft username! :D

Keep Crafting Til' The Sun Goes Down,